002 * Licensed under MIT No Attribution (SPDX: MIT-0) *
003 ***************************************************/
005package org.reactivestreams.example.unicast;
007import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
008import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
009import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
011import java.util.Iterator;
012import java.util.Collections;
013import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
014import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
015import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
018 * AsyncIterablePublisher is an implementation of Reactive Streams `Publisher`
019 * which executes asynchronously, using a provided `Executor` and produces elements
020 * from a given `Iterable` in a "unicast" configuration to its `Subscribers`.
021 *
022 * NOTE: The code below uses a lot of try-catches to show the reader where exceptions can be expected, and where they are forbidden.
023 */
024public class AsyncIterablePublisher<T> implements Publisher<T> {
025  private final static int DEFAULT_BATCHSIZE = 1024;
027  private final Iterable<T> elements; // This is our data source / generator
028  private final Executor executor; // This is our thread pool, which will make sure that our Publisher runs asynchronously to its Subscribers
029  private final int batchSize; // In general, if one uses an `Executor`, one should be nice nad not hog a thread for too long, this is the cap for that, in elements
031  public AsyncIterablePublisher(final Iterable<T> elements, final Executor executor) {
032    this(elements, DEFAULT_BATCHSIZE, executor);
033  }
035  public AsyncIterablePublisher(final Iterable<T> elements, final int batchSize, final Executor executor) {
036    if (elements == null) throw null;
037    if (executor == null) throw null;
038    if (batchSize < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("batchSize must be greater than zero!");
039    this.elements = elements;
040    this.executor = executor;
041    this.batchSize = batchSize;
042  }
044  @Override
045  public void subscribe(final Subscriber<? super T> s) {
046    // As per rule 1.11, we have decided to support multiple subscribers in a unicast configuration
047    // for this `Publisher` implementation.
048    // As per 2.13, this method must return normally (i.e. not throw)
049    new SubscriptionImpl(s).init();
050  }
052  // These represent the protocol of the `AsyncIterablePublishers` SubscriptionImpls
053  static interface Signal {};
054  enum Cancel implements Signal { Instance; };
055  enum Subscribe implements Signal { Instance; };
056  enum Send implements Signal { Instance; };
057  static final class Request implements Signal {
058    final long n;
059    Request(final long n) {
060      this.n = n;
061    }
062  };
064  // This is our implementation of the Reactive Streams `Subscription`,
065  // which represents the association between a `Publisher` and a `Subscriber`.
066  final class SubscriptionImpl implements Subscription, Runnable {
067    final Subscriber<? super T> subscriber; // We need a reference to the `Subscriber` so we can talk to it
068    private boolean cancelled = false; // This flag will track whether this `Subscription` is to be considered cancelled or not
069    private long demand = 0; // Here we track the current demand, i.e. what has been requested but not yet delivered
070    private Iterator<T> iterator; // This is our cursor into the data stream, which we will send to the `Subscriber`
072    SubscriptionImpl(final Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) {
073      // As per rule 1.09, we need to throw a `java.lang.NullPointerException` if the `Subscriber` is `null`
074      if (subscriber == null) throw null;
075      this.subscriber = subscriber;
076    }
078    // This `ConcurrentLinkedQueue` will track signals that are sent to this `Subscription`, like `request` and `cancel`
079    private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Signal> inboundSignals = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Signal>();
081    // We are using this `AtomicBoolean` to make sure that this `Subscription` doesn't run concurrently with itself,
082    // which would violate rule 1.3 among others (no concurrent notifications).
083    private final AtomicBoolean on = new AtomicBoolean(false);
085    // This method will register inbound demand from our `Subscriber` and validate it against rule 3.9 and rule 3.17
086    private void doRequest(final long n) {
087      if (n < 1)
088        terminateDueTo(new IllegalArgumentException(subscriber + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 3.9 by requesting a non-positive number of elements."));
089      else if (demand + n < 1) {
090        // As governed by rule 3.17, when demand overflows `Long.MAX_VALUE` we treat the signalled demand as "effectively unbounded"
091        demand = Long.MAX_VALUE;  // Here we protect from the overflow and treat it as "effectively unbounded"
092        doSend(); // Then we proceed with sending data downstream
093      } else {
094        demand += n; // Here we record the downstream demand
095        doSend(); // Then we can proceed with sending data downstream
096      }
097    }
099    // This handles cancellation requests, and is idempotent, thread-safe and not synchronously performing heavy computations as specified in rule 3.5
100    private void doCancel() {
101      cancelled = true;
102    }
104    // Instead of executing `subscriber.onSubscribe` synchronously from within `Publisher.subscribe`
105    // we execute it asynchronously, this is to avoid executing the user code (`Iterable.iterator`) on the calling thread.
106    // It also makes it easier to follow rule 1.9
107    private void doSubscribe() {
108      try {
109        iterator = elements.iterator();
110        if (iterator == null)
111          iterator = Collections.<T>emptyList().iterator(); // So we can assume that `iterator` is never null
112      } catch(final Throwable t) {
113        subscriber.onSubscribe(new Subscription() { // We need to make sure we signal onSubscribe before onError, obeying rule 1.9
114          @Override public void cancel() {}
115          @Override public void request(long n) {}
116        });
117        terminateDueTo(t); // Here we send onError, obeying rule 1.09
118      }
120      if (!cancelled) {
121        // Deal with setting up the subscription with the subscriber
122        try {
123          subscriber.onSubscribe(this);
124        } catch(final Throwable t) { // Due diligence to obey 2.13
125          terminateDueTo(new IllegalStateException(subscriber + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 2.13 by throwing an exception from onSubscribe.", t));
126        }
128        // Deal with already complete iterators promptly
129        boolean hasElements = false;
130        try {
131          hasElements = iterator.hasNext();
132        } catch(final Throwable t) {
133          terminateDueTo(t); // If hasNext throws, there's something wrong and we need to signal onError as per 1.2, 1.4, 
134        }
136        // If we don't have anything to deliver, we're already done, so lets do the right thing and
137        // not wait for demand to deliver `onComplete` as per rule 1.2 and 1.3
138        if (!hasElements) {
139          try {
140            doCancel(); // Rule 1.6 says we need to consider the `Subscription` cancelled when `onComplete` is signalled
141            subscriber.onComplete();
142          } catch(final Throwable t) { // As per rule 2.13, `onComplete` is not allowed to throw exceptions, so we do what we can, and log this.
143            (new IllegalStateException(subscriber + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 2.13 by throwing an exception from onComplete.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
144          }
145        }
146      }
147    }
149    // This is our behavior for producing elements downstream
150    private void doSend() {
151      try {
152        // In order to play nice with the `Executor` we will only send at-most `batchSize` before
153        // rescheduing ourselves and relinquishing the current thread.
154        int leftInBatch = batchSize;
155        do {
156          T next;
157          boolean hasNext;
158          try {
159            next = iterator.next(); // We have already checked `hasNext` when subscribing, so we can fall back to testing -after- `next` is called.
160            hasNext = iterator.hasNext(); // Need to keep track of End-of-Stream
161          } catch (final Throwable t) {
162            terminateDueTo(t); // If `next` or `hasNext` throws (they can, since it is user-provided), we need to treat the stream as errored as per rule 1.4
163            return;
164          }
165          subscriber.onNext(next); // Then we signal the next element downstream to the `Subscriber`
166          if (!hasNext) { // If we are at End-of-Stream
167            doCancel(); // We need to consider this `Subscription` as cancelled as per rule 1.6
168            subscriber.onComplete(); // Then we signal `onComplete` as per rule 1.2 and 1.5
169          }
170        } while (!cancelled           // This makes sure that rule 1.8 is upheld, i.e. we need to stop signalling "eventually"
171                 && --leftInBatch > 0 // This makes sure that we only send `batchSize` number of elements in one go (so we can yield to other Runnables)
172                 && --demand > 0);    // This makes sure that rule 1.1 is upheld (sending more than was demanded)
174        if (!cancelled && demand > 0) // If the `Subscription` is still alive and well, and we have demand to satisfy, we signal ourselves to send more data
175          signal(Send.Instance);
176      } catch(final Throwable t) {
177        // We can only get here if `onNext` or `onComplete` threw, and they are not allowed to according to 2.13, so we can only cancel and log here.
178        doCancel(); // Make sure that we are cancelled, since we cannot do anything else since the `Subscriber` is faulty.
179        (new IllegalStateException(subscriber + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 2.13 by throwing an exception from onNext or onComplete.", t)).printStackTrace(System.err);
180      }
181    }
183    // This is a helper method to ensure that we always `cancel` when we signal `onError` as per rule 1.6
184    private void terminateDueTo(final Throwable t) {
185      cancelled = true; // When we signal onError, the subscription must be considered as cancelled, as per rule 1.6
186      try {
187        subscriber.onError(t); // Then we signal the error downstream, to the `Subscriber`
188      } catch(final Throwable t2) { // If `onError` throws an exception, this is a spec violation according to rule 1.9, and all we can do is to log it.
189        (new IllegalStateException(subscriber + " violated the Reactive Streams rule 2.13 by throwing an exception from onError.", t2)).printStackTrace(System.err);
190      }
191    }
193    // What `signal` does is that it sends signals to the `Subscription` asynchronously
194    private void signal(final Signal signal) {
195      if (inboundSignals.offer(signal)) // No need to null-check here as ConcurrentLinkedQueue does this for us
196        tryScheduleToExecute(); // Then we try to schedule it for execution, if it isn't already
197    }
199    // This is the main "event loop" if you so will
200    @Override public final void run() {
201      if(on.get()) { // establishes a happens-before relationship with the end of the previous run
202        try {
203          final Signal s = inboundSignals.poll(); // We take a signal off the queue
204          if (!cancelled) { // to make sure that we follow rule 1.8, 3.6 and 3.7
206            // Below we simply unpack the `Signal`s and invoke the corresponding methods
207            if (s instanceof Request)
208              doRequest(((Request)s).n);
209            else if (s == Send.Instance)
210              doSend();
211            else if (s == Cancel.Instance)
212              doCancel();
213            else if (s == Subscribe.Instance)
214              doSubscribe();
215          }
216        } finally {
217          on.set(false); // establishes a happens-before relationship with the beginning of the next run
218          if(!inboundSignals.isEmpty()) // If we still have signals to process
219            tryScheduleToExecute(); // Then we try to schedule ourselves to execute again
220        }
221      }
222    }
224    // This method makes sure that this `Subscription` is only running on one Thread at a time,
225    // this is important to make sure that we follow rule 1.3
226    private final void tryScheduleToExecute() {
227      if(on.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
228        try {
229          executor.execute(this);
230        } catch(Throwable t) { // If we can't run on the `Executor`, we need to fail gracefully
231          if (!cancelled) {
232            doCancel(); // First of all, this failure is not recoverable, so we need to follow rule 1.4 and 1.6
233            try {
234              terminateDueTo(new IllegalStateException("Publisher terminated due to unavailable Executor.", t));
235            } finally {
236              inboundSignals.clear(); // We're not going to need these anymore
237              // This subscription is cancelled by now, but letting it become schedulable again means
238              // that we can drain the inboundSignals queue if anything arrives after clearing
239              on.set(false);
240            }
241          }
242        }
243      }
244    }
246    // Our implementation of `Subscription.request` sends a signal to the Subscription that more elements are in demand
247    @Override public void request(final long n) {
248      signal(new Request(n));
249    }
250    // Our implementation of `Subscription.cancel` sends a signal to the Subscription that the `Subscriber` is not interested in any more elements
251    @Override public void cancel() {
252      signal(Cancel.Instance);
253    }
254    // The reason for the `init` method is that we want to ensure the `SubscriptionImpl`
255    // is completely constructed before it is exposed to the thread pool, therefor this
256    // method is only intended to be invoked once, and immediately after the constructor has
257    // finished.
258    void init() {
259      signal(Subscribe.Instance);
260    }
261  };